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All texts* on this Web site, signed by Janick Belleau, are available to Internauts... as long as, in all reproduction, written or verbal, the name of the author and the source are quoted.* The word "texts" comprises feature articles, reviews, interviews, presentations, poems, prose, etc.
Note written on November 8, 2016 but applicable for all texts.


Tokyo, garden of the Imperial Palace
2019, Member of Editorial Team, Gusts Tanka Canada
Since beginning of 2014 (issue 19), Janick was a member of the Editorial Team of Gusts Tanka Canada, biannual publication edited by poetess from Vancouver, Kozue UZAWA.
This Canada's First English Tanka Journal was founded in Spring 2005. To visit the site Gusts Tanka Canada
Janick stepped down five years later with issue 28.
2017, Center section (Gold) red lights, tanka magazine, U.S.
Five bilingual Tanka by Janick Belleau published in the specialised magazine, red lights, June 2017, pp. 33-34.
I thank the editor in chief, Marilyn Hazelton.
To read my tanka, please click Five bilingual tanka Janick Belleau, red lights magazine
2013, Honourable Mention. Mainichi Haiku Contest. Japan 2013
17th edition of the annual contest of the Mainichi Shimbun (Mainichi Daily News)
pour être moins seule
j’écoute du jazz chanté –
tournesol d’hiver
© Janick Belleau, 2013
In the International section, more than 300 haiku in French and 900 in English were submitted.
To read the results of the contest, please, click here: Contest Results for 2013
2013, Second Prize. Betty-Drevniok Award/Haiku Canada 2013
cold winter day
she phones her mother who says:
« who are you? »
© Janick Belleau, 2013
To read all winning haiku, please go to Results for Haiku Canada Betty Drevniok Award 2013
Betty Drevniok was one of the three founders in 1977 of the national association, Haiku Canada.
2012, Mention of Excellence. Society of Tanka Poets of Japan Competition, 2012
my Christmas wish:
sleeping in each other’s arms
one of us forgets or dies
or the planet pops off
© Janick Belleau, 2012
Number of tanka submitted by different poets: 589.
7th International Tanka Festival and Contest in Japan. The event is organised by the Tanka Society of Poets in Japan and is held every 3 years.
2012, Co-editor of Take Five - Best contemporary tanka 2011
Coeditor of Take Five - tanka anthology, volume 4, 2011, directed by M. Kei (U.S.). Along with tanka colleagues Patricia Prime (NZ), Magdalena Dale (Romania), Amelia Fielden (AUS/JP), Claire Everett (UK), Owen Bullock (NZ), David Terelinck (AUS) and David Rice (U.S.).
Task: The editorial team reads, nominates and selects tanka published in English, in 2011, around the world… which amounts to nearly 18 000 tanka; less than 400 published in the 2012 anthology.
2011, Published in Take Five - Best contemporary tanka 2010
Take Five 2010 – tanka anthology, Volume 3 (Modern English Tanka Press, US, 2011). One tanka selected. Number of tanka read in English by poets/coeditors from around the world: 18 000. Only 300 or so tanka made it into the anthology.
JB’s tanka originally published in Ribbons – Tanka Society of America, Winter 2010
harsh winter
for several days
staying in bed, ill
I put red lipstick on
not wanting to look like Dad
© Janick Belleau, 2010
2010, Canada-Japan Literary Award 2010 for D’âmes et d’ailes/of souls and wings
JB, winner of the Canada-Japan Literary Award 2010 (French-language section) for her bilingual collection D’âmes et d’ailes /of souls and wings. The book is composed of a HERstory of tanka since the IXth century and of 91 tanka by the author.
This Canada-Japan Award recognizes literary excellence by Canadian writers who are writing on Japan, Japanese themes, or themes that promote mutual understanding between Japan and Canada. The funds for these awards come from the investment return on that portion of the Japan-Canada Fund set aside as an endowment for a literary award; the winner receives an amount of 10 000$. The Canada Council for the Arts administers this coveted award – an expression of friendship between two countries.
For pictures of the ceremony and comments of the Ambassador ISHIKAWA Kaoru click here
2010, Honorable Mention. SAIGYO Tanka Awards for Tanka. USA 2010
Honourable Mention Saigyo Tanka Contest in the United States, 2010.
raging wind
swirling towards the ground
in their last cycle
my white hair
© Janick Belleau, 2010
Comments of the President of the Jury, Carolyn Thomas: « I ‘see’ the wind because of the leaves. The poet ‘sees’ (the) transitory nature because of the leaves. (The poet) can ‘see’ the end of (the) physical life approaching, and we know that because of ‘my white hair’. Each line of the poem gives meaning to the previous line. This is what strikes me about this tanka. »
Number of tanka submitted by different poets: 436.
2009, Published in Take Five - Best contemporary tanka, 2009
Take Five 2008 – tanka anthology, Volume 1 (Modern English Tanka Press, US, 2009). One tanka selected. Number of tanka read in English by poets/coeditors from around the world: 14 000. Only 300 of them are selected.
JB’s tanka originally published in Gusts 7 – contemporary tanka, Spring/Summer 2008
Good Friday black cat
crossing the boulevard
in a great hurry
we go shopping
for our big fat gay wedding
© Janick Belleau, 2008
2008, Honourable Mention. Mainichi Haiku Contest. Japan 2008
International Section of the 12th Haiku Contest of the Mainichi Shimbun
après le boulot
davantage voutée l’ainée
ciel chargé de pluie
© Janick Belleau, 2008
2007, Honourable Mention. Haiku Contest of Mainichi. Japan 2007
International section of the 11th Haiku Contest of the Mainichi Daily News in Tokyo.
vieil amant
perdant sa douce vieille
châtaignes au sol
© Janick Belleau, 2007
2006, Second Prize. Mainichi Haiku Contest. Japan 2006
10th annual competition of international Haiku sponsored by the prestigious Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo
il pleut à torrents
sent-elle l’humidité
l’âme du défunt
© Janick Belleau, 2006