Books for sale on this site, go to the Order form Section
Books that I have authored ou co-authored or those for which I have assumed the direction of the collective or been part of a collective of less than 10 authors.
The cost is very reasonnable and excludes postage.
Free reading but the reproduction...
All texts* on this Web site, signed by Janick Belleau, are available to Internauts... as long as, in all reproduction, written or verbal, the name of the author and the source are quoted.* The word "texts" comprises feature articles, reviews, interviews, presentations, poems, prose, etc.
Note written on November 8, 2016 but applicable for all texts.

You find on this site feature articles, book reviews, interviews and presentations by Janick Belleau (JB). Articles and presentations (those published / delivered in English in Japan and Canada) deal mainly with the contribution of women insofar as the advancement of haiku and tanka.
There is also an English Media section and an Order Form regarding the personal collections of the author and the anthologies or collective works she directed.
A Calendar of events since August 2007 is included.