« February 2018 »

Books for sale on this site, go to the Order form Section

Books that I have authored ou co-authored or those for which I have assumed the direction of the collective or been part of a collective of less than 10 authors.

The cost is very reasonnable and excludes postage.

Free reading but the reproduction...

All texts* on this Web site, signed by Janick Belleau, are available to Internauts... as long as, in all reproduction, written or verbal, the name of the author and the source are quoted.

* The word "texts" comprises feature articles, reviews, interviews, presentations, poems, prose, etc.

Note written on November 8, 2016 but applicable for all texts.


Janick Belleau

Janick Belleau was born and raised in Montreal. Graduated from the University of Ottawa in French Literature (1979) and Social Communications (1980). Lived seven years in Winnipeg. Back in Montreal since 1987.

She edited a sociocultural portrait, Le Manitoba des femmes répond – Questionnaire Gabrielle-Roy (created 40 questions inspired by Roy's books and administered to 131 Manitoban women, 1985 ; coedited with Micheline Beaudry an erotic haiku and short poems anthology containing 182 previously unpublished poems from 77 contemporary poets, L’Érotique poème court / haïku (shortlisted for 'Prix Gros Sel du Public' 2007 loosely translated by the Public's Coarse Salt Award, Belgium, 2007) ; co-edited, along with eight other poets, Take Five - 2011 Best contemporary tanka, vol. 4 (2012, U.S.) ; edited a Special Feature for Atlas Poetica, an on-line tanka journal - selected 25 poems from 25 poets from nine countries who contributed to the theme LGBT Tanka Chiaroscuro (2012, U.S.).

She authored a haiku and tanka collection, Humeur… Sensibility… Alma… (partially in three languages, illustr. Diane Desmarais, 2003, Montreal) ; a bilingual tanka collection, D'âmes et d'ailes / of souls and wings (Canada-Japan Literary Award, French section, 2010) ; a bilingual haiku and tanka collection, T'aimer voyager / To love you, to travel (artist book hand-made by Claire Dufresne, Montreal, 2011) ; a tanka and haiku collection, pour l'Amour de l'Autre, Paris, 2019 ; (Prix André-Duhaime / Haiku Canada Award 2021).

Her feature articles and book reviews (France, Canada) and talks, once in a while, (Japan, France, Canada) concentrate on women writing haiku and/or tanka. Janick participated in a variety of international contests such as Mainichi Daily News, Haiku (2nd Place, Japan, 2006); SAIGYO Tanka (Honourable Mention, U.S., 2010); Betty Drevniok / Haiku Canada (2nd Place, 2013).

She is a member of

Association francophone de haïku (France)

Haiku Canada